Is Twitter now paid ?? / क्या अब ट्विटर चलाने के पैंसे पड़ेंगे??

 Is Twitter now paid ? क्या अब ट्विटर चलाने के पैंसे लगेंगे ?

Recently Founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and worlds richest person Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion / 3.37 lac crore . As he bought the Twitter many rumors spread out like fire in the world and first is that what changes will occur in Twitter. In a tweet musk said " The digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,. And said He looks forward to tapping into the company's"tremendous potential".
       Musk said that reason of buying twitter was that in his view , the changes that needed to be made to the platform can only be done if it's a private company.

     The changes that would be by the indication of Musk =

1.In april month on 5th musk taken a pole and he asked for the "Edit Button " , From 44 lac votes 73.6% were in favour of it. So Edit button will be addition.एडिट बटन आ सकता है।

2. On a pole done by musk on 24th march for "Open source Algorithm" of twitter, from 11 lac votes 82.7% were in favour of it.So twitter would be Open Sourced Algorithm.
ट्विटर का एल्गोरिदम ओपन सोर्स होगा ताकि आम आदमी भी उसमें गलतियां ढूंढ कर उसे सही करने का तरीका बता सकें।
3. Once a hackers created a fake account of musk and bought crypto. He wants users who subscribe to twitter blue to be able to pay with his favorite crypto Dogecoin.
क्रिप्टो करेंसी स्कैम से निपटने की व्यवस्था।
4. It would be Public Town Square. As he wants Freedom of speech. According to Elon "I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, Because that is what free speech means " यानी अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी लोकतंत्र के लिए जरूरी है और वे चाहते हैं कि उनके बुरे आलोचक भी ट्विटर पर बने रहे, क्योंकि यही फ्री स्पीच का मतलब है।

        Who said what on musk:

CEO-Twitter Parag Agrawal:: Agrawal said  that there are no layoffs currently planned, but "once the deal closes , we don't know which direction the platform will go."
      It seems like the only certainty for the Twitter is uncertainty.

Jeff Bezos : "Interesting question.Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage over the town square?"

Co-founder and ex CEO of twitter Jack Dorsey : Elons goal of creating a plateform that is "maximally trusted and broadly inclusive" is the right one . Thank you both for getting the company out of an impossible situation. This is the right path . I believe it with all my heart.  इस खरीद पर जहां ज्यादातर लोग निगेटिव प्रतिक्रिया दे रहे हैं वहीं फाउंडर और पूर्व सीईओ डोर्सी इसका स्वागत कर रहे हैं।

      अब बात करते हैं ट्विटर को इस्तेमाल करने के लिए देने वाले पैंसे के बारे में :
    क्योंकि ट्विटर अब प्राइवेट हो गया तो इसे   चलाने के लिए पैंसा केवल सरकारी कर्मचारियों, बड़े व्यापारियों को ही देना होगा , आम आदमी पर इसका कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा।
 For Government officials, businessman's , commercial users of Twitter some fee to be payed but Normal  for users it is free as usual.


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