Types of thermocouple

 Types of Thermocouple 

    Thermocouple is a device (sensor) that is used to measure the temperature which can not be measured by using normal thermometer. It works on principle of Thomas Seebeck effect. According to which when metal is heated at one end and other is kept cold then a slight potential difference generates between both ends and an emf cause to flow of current which can be measured by multimeter.

According to the type of use and range of measurment of temperature thermocouple are made of different metals , of different diameter are of following types::

1. Type B thermocouple 

2. Type C thermocouple

3. Type E thermocouple 

4. Type J thermocouple

5. Type K thermocouple

6. Type N thermocouple

7. Type R thermocouple

8. Type S thermocouple

9. Type T thermocouple

10. Tungsten & tungsten Rhenium thermocouple

      Thermocouple are commonly used in industries,offices,big organizations due to its large range and technical specifications. It is manufactured in different types as Thermocouple probe , thermocouple probe with connectors, transition joint thermocouples , bare wire thermocouple or just thermocouple wire.

They are available in  combination of different metals or calibration.Most common are base metal thermocouple as type J,K,T,E&N.High temperature calibration are noble metal thermocouple as type R,S,C,&GB.

Temperature measurements carries according to diameter of wire and metal used.

K type thermocouple is also known for general purpose due to low cost and temperature range.

Material in thermocouple is needed to be non magnetic, non corrosive or resistant .

Type B thermocouple::

                                         It is made of combination of platinum and rhodium . Positive terminal is composed of 70% platinum & 30% rhodium. Negative terminal is composed of 94% platinum & 6% rhodium. It's range is up to 1800℃

2.Type E thermocouple::

                                            This type has higher accuracy and stronger signal than type K&J at moderate temperature range. It produces highest EMF per degree. It's positive terminal is made of 90% nickel-10% chromium & Negative terminal is made of Constantan ( 95% nickel, 2%aluminium , 2%Maganese & 1% silicon). Temperature range is -200℃ to 900℃(-328°F to 1652°F) with standard accuracy +-1.7%. It is used where high accuracy and fast response is required & not used in low oxygen application and sulphuric environment.

3. Type J thermocouple::

                                            It is of low cost . Positive terminal is made of iron and negative terminal is made of 45% nickel & 55% copper. Temperature range is -200℃ to 750℃(346°F to 1400°F) with sensivity of 50 microvolt/℃.

4. Type K thermocouple::

                                              It's positive terminal is made of 90% nickel & 10% chromium, negative terminal is made of 95% nickel , 2% aluminum, 2% manganese,1% silicon.Its temperature range is -200℃ to 1250℃(-328°F to 2282°F) with sensivity of 41 microvolts/℃ and accuracy of +-2.2%.  It is not recommended to use in partially oxidizing condition.

5. Type N thermocouple::

                                             It is designed by Defence Science and technology Organization (DSTO) of Australia. It's accuracy is same as type K . Temperature range is -270℃ to 1300℃ with sensivity of 39 microvolts/℃ . It is composed of nickel , chromium &silicon.

6. Type R thermocouple::

                                           It  is composed of platinum & rhodium . Output range and stability is slightly more than type S . Positive terminal is made of 87% platinum & 13% rhodium, negative terminal is made of platinum. Temperature range is 0℃ to 1600℃.

7. Type S thermocouple::

                                            It is used for higher temperature application due to high accuracy and stability. Positive terminal is made of 90% platinum,10% rhodium and negative terminal is made of platinum. It's temperature range is 630℃ to 1064℃.

8. Type T thermocouple::

                                             It is suitable for low temperature range of -250℃ to 350℃. Positive terminal is made of copper and negative terminal is made of constantan (45% nickel , 55% copper). Sensitivity is 43microvolts/℃.


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