Agnipath scheme: Indian Agniveer

 Agnipath Scheme : 

Yesterday Defence minister Rajnath Singh launched the Agnipath scheme for service in Indian Armed forces i.e Army,Navy, Airforce. Soldiers will be known as Agniveer . During its announcement chief of Tri-services i.e Armi chief,Navy chief, Airforce chief were present.

Under this scheme , youth of 17.5 years to 21 years will be taken for 4 year service including 6 months training. After completion of 4 year of service 75 % will be retired and 25 % with extra capabilities, leadership skills, qualities,ready to face challenge , soldiers will be permanent. During first year ofservice 30000 per month salary given to them after that 40000 will be payed. In which 70 % will be paid to soldiers and remaining 30 % will be kept by government which will covered as PF and adding extra 30 % by government is paid as 'Seva Nidhi' after retirement. As giving seva nidhi to them at one time , no pension will be given. 

Government has planned to reduce the  pension and salary expanse and increase the budget in buying new weapon and in research and development. In a transformative reform , cabinet clears 'Agnipath ' scheme for recruitment of youth in armed forces. Agniveer to be enrolled under respective Service Acts for four years. One time 'Seva Nidhi' package to be paid to Agniveer upon completion of engagement period of 4 years. 46000 Agniveers to be recruited this year. Recruitment rallies will commence in 90 days. Union cabinet approved attractive recruitment scheme for Indian youth to Serve in Armed forces. It is advised that average age profile of Indian Armed forces would come down by about 4-5 years by implementing the scheme.

According to press release by government :

Agniveers will be given an attractive customized monthly package along with risk and hardship allowances as applicable in trieservices .  On completion of the engagement period of four years, Agniveer will be paid one time seva nidhi . During 4 year of service, Agniveer will be imparted with various military skills, experience, discipline, physical fitness, leadership quality, courage and patriotism. After this period, they will be infused into civil society.Achieved skills by Agniveers will be shown on a certificate which they can use for further carrier progress and civil society service.

Seva nidhi of 11.71 lakh would aid the Agniveers to pursue his/her future dreams without financial pressure. Upon the completion of four years of service, based on  organizational recruitment and policies promulgated by the armed forces from time to time, Agniveers will be offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrollment in armed forces.

● Enrollment will be undertaken through online centralised system for all three services with specialised rallies and campus interviews from recognized technical institutes such as Industrial Training Institute, and National Skills Qualifications Framework, among others.

● Enrollment will be based on ' All India All Class' basis and eligible age will 17.5-21 years.

● Educational qualification will remain as in vogue for enrollment in various categories. Ex. For entry into General Duty (GD) soldier, the educational qualification is 10th.

◆ Currently 1.25 lac soldiers are needed on JCO level.

◆10000+ soldiers needed on Officer rank.

◆Training will be of 6 months , previously which was  of 9 months .

Experts view :

🔎 According to Major General (Rtd.) S.P Sinha "This four year time I not enough to train and make a good soldier to a normal civilian, It needs more time and experience."

🔎 According to Major General (Rtd.) AK Seevach , "If any civilian gets enter into this scheme after 6 months training, they will be worried about their future after 4 years and this time is not enough to train and serve to nation."

🔎 According to Airmarshal (Rtd.) Amit dev , " Government also planned to permanent 25% soldiers who give extra performance and they will much more better , they will provide good leadership to Army."

According to Army chief General Manoj Pandey" It's our aim to provide every and all Indian youth an equal opportunity, to serve their nation."


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