NATO is a military support alliance of North Atlantic countries. It's full form is North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 

When world war - II ends then in European countries there situation was very critical. Civilians were suffer from hunger,, there economy falls down .

                   And another side Russia was expanding itself by small countries.So America got troubled thinking that Russia will become superpower and will rule the world. So America made a plan to combine some countries to make a superpower countries group. Under this plan an organization was made which is known as NATO

                NATO was organized in  4 April 1949. Its headquarter is in Brussels (Belgium) . It's alliance is between 28 European countries &2 North American countries

Initially there was 12 members during establishment I.e. Belgium, Canada, Denmark , France, Iceland, Itly , Legzemberg, Netherlands, Norvey , Purtagal, Britain, & America.

NATO implements the North Atlantic treaty. Its official language is English & French

It's secretary general is Jens Stoltenberg.

Chairman is Admiral Rob Bauer, Royal Netherlands Navy.

Headquarter of allied command operation is near Monas (Belgium) .

NATOs 5th article of Washington treaty says that if Political & Diplomatic efforts fails during abnormal situations with any country then they use action of military power.

In this world tere are two countries who wants to be a superpower of earth I.e America and Russia.There are too much competition in between them . Every one wants to add other countries in their group/organization to become more powerful. This is not from today ,this strategy started 100s years ago during and after world war-II.When russia attacked on european countries then there condition became worse so they asks to help of America, and America also wants to help them to stop Russia from its expansion and become itself powerful.

                 So in 1949 America and some european countries came together and they made the NATO.

NATOs aime to -

●To threaden and collaborate to western European countries

●To stop the expansion of USSR in western Europe.

●To give protection to the member countries and their political freedom.

●To protect against attack of other countries by using military power.

         When diplomatic meets fails in between it's member countries and other countries conflict then they all use their collaborative military power.

After world war-II , European countries feels that they should come together to protect each other especially from USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) because America thinks that Russia will impose Communism. So America initiates to make an organization which protect western countries from USSRs torture.Under UN article 15 of Charter , America proposes North Atlantic Treaty in Berlin in 1949.

  Now a days there are 30 members initially which were 12

◆On 18th feb 1952 Greece and Turkey added.

◆On 9th may 1955 Germany joined.

◆Spain on 30th may 1982.

◆Czech Republic, Hungry and Poland added in 12th march 1990.

◆ On 29th march 2004 Bulgaria, Astonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slowania added.

◆ On 1st April 2009 Albania, Kroacia added.

◆ Montenegro on 5th June 2017.

◆ North Mecedonia on 27th 2020 added.

Now a days Bosnia, Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine also wants to add in NATO.

There is an agreement between member countries to maintain the target defence spending of at least 2% of their GDP by 2024.


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