Types of productivity

Types of productivity


 Productivity is not a process or anything other,it is a measure of efficiency of any company/organization. Productivity is the ratio of total output to the total input, output is always same i.e efficiency or profit but to achieve this input can be of various types like man, material, capital,time, machine etc, depending on these productivity can be divided into two parts:

1.Partial productivity ::

                          It is the ratio of total output to a particular input.It shows the impact and share of a particular resource on the total productivity.

Partial productivity = Total production /Quantity of a single resource input

 Types of partial productivity::

1.Capital productivity:

                                         It is the ratio of total output to the capital invested.

Capital productivity=Output/capital input

2.Labour productivity:

                                         It is the ratio of total output to the labour input I.e total number of labour and their working time.

Labour productivity= Total output/labour input

3.Material productivity:

                                            It is the ratio of total output to the material used,types of material used , amount of material.

Material productivity = Total output/material input

4.Machine productivity:

                                           It is the ratio of total output to the types of machine used, machine efficiency, working hours I.e machine input.

Machine productivity = Total output /Machine input

2.Total productivity::

                         It is the ratio of final or total output to the total input used I.e man, material,time,capital, machine etc

Total Productivity = Total output /total input

Way to increase the productivity :

1.If input is same but output is more then productivity increases.

2.If output is same but input is reduced then productivity increases.

3.If above both conditions are fulfilled then also productivity increases.


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