NFC:Metro Token/card working

Have you ever think,how metro token/card , Debit/Credit cards works ? Let's see T hese cards , tokens even QR system all works on a technology called NFC (Near Field Communication). NFC is a neaR field communication used to make communication/contact between two devices like from smartphone to smartphone, smartphone to POS machine, smartphone to metro card reader, metro token to token reader etc. It uses electromagnetic radio waves to communicate with range near to 4 to 6 cms. This technology also uses to transaction by using credit/debit card. NFC is like a fast tag but it's range is too small compared to fasttag. Fas tag uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). NFC also shares transaction detail, contact detail, photo, video. It does not need to pair and use pin like Bluetooth. NFC is a set of communication protocols that makes communicat...