TTT Diagram : Introduction
TTT diagram TTT stands for Time-Temperature-Transformation . In modern engineering and technology everywhere metals are used mainly steel , but direct use of steel were in past years but now it's exchanged from steel to alloy steel. But now a days scientist think about lowering the product weight and increasing the strength by mixing alloys in steel. As metallic products and parts pass from different mechanical process like extrusion,pressing,forging,rolling, cutting, straightening forming etc, they gets stressed and their microstructure changes ,to regain it's microstructure,change and increase strength as well as lowering the weight parts or products are heated and process is known as Heat treatment process . आसान भाषा में कहें तो लोगों को हर सामान चाहे वो छोटा हो या बड़ा उसमें reliability, आसानी, मजबूती और हल्की से हल्की चाहिए। इसके लिए वैज्ञानिकों ने एक तरीका खोजा कि प्योर लोहे,स्टील में कुछ अलग धातु या केमिकल डाल दिया जाए जिससे वह सामान...