Cloud seeding/ कृत्रिम बारिश
Cloud seeding/ कृत्रिम बारिश Introduction : Two days ago the Indian Institute of Technology IIT Kanpur has tested cloud seeding . And it was reported that heavy rain occured after that in that area. Its first time in India but some countries have also tested this technology. So let's know about Cloud Seeding. दो दिन पहले भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान आईआईटी कानपुर ने क्लाउड सीडिंग का परीक्षण किया है। और बताया गया कि उसके बाद उस इलाके में भारी बारिश हुई. भारत में यह पहली बार है लेकिन कुछ देशों ने इस तकनीक का परीक्षण भी किया है। तो आइये जानते हैं क्लाउड सीडिंग के बारे में। Weather plays a crucial role in our lives, impacting agriculture, water supply, and even the risk of natural disasters. In the quest to harness and control weather patterns, scientists and researchers have developed a technique called cloud seeding. This intriguing process involves modifying clouds to enhance precipitation and potentially alleviate water scarcity. Understanding Cloud...